SAMPASA Book Drive for St. Martin's Secondary School Students
SAMPASA is working along with the St. Martin's Secondary School of St. Vincent & the Grenadines on a project to upgrade the school's library with a list of recommended books.
A meeting was held on November 12, 2020 via Zoom to discuss the nature and relevance of a book drive.
Members from SAMPASA-NA met with the school's library representative Ms. Catana Punnett to gather details about the school's library and to brainstorm ways in which the library resources can be maximized.
Representing SAMPASA-NA were:
- Mr. Ivan Morgan, President
- Mr. Terrance Mc Barnette
- Mr. Kelvin George
- Mr. Dougal Mayers
- Mrs. Natasha Providence
Some details gathered from this meeting are as follows:
- The Amazon HD-8 Tablets which were the basis of SAMPASA first 2020 project were used for library research as well as by the English teacher.
- The tablets is used as a bargining chip to library membershiop.
- The library hours are 8:15 AM - 4:15 PM Monday - Friday.
Request was also made for small rolls of clear tape, small labels for cataloguing, and Gel pens.
Our goal is to get at least 2 copies of each book or series of books, however, a third copy will be accepted. We are also accepting books or donation towards books that have had an impact on your life and may be benificial to current students at the St. Martin's Secondary School.
Purchases can be made online via Amazon, for example. However, if anyone has copies of the listed books that are in good condition those books will also be accepted. All purchases and book donations will be handled by Mr. Marcus Coombs. Please contact Mr. Coombs at (347) 435-5261 or at for shipping details.
Should you wish to make a financial donation towards our book drive or towards future project, you can follow the