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Homepage of all things SAMPASA-NA

"Assisting and supporting our Alma Mater, its current, past and future students"

Our Mission

SAMPASA-NA Inc. shall be the vanguard in making a difference by uniting the skills, experience and generosity of current and past students to further the development of the St. Martin's Secondary School of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Our Vision

SAMPASA-NA Inc. will assist and support its Alma Mater’s current and past students. The goal being that all who enter as students shall have an opportunity to graduate with an excellent education and a feeling of pride.

Become an Active Member

SAMPASA-NA welcomes you. As a past student or teacher of the St. Martin's Secondary School of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines you can become an Active member of SAMPASA-NA by paying a required registration fee of $30.00 and an annual membership fee of $120.00 - an equivalent of $10.00 per month.


If you are already a SAMPASA-NA member, you can login to your account using your Username and Password.

SAMPASA appreciates your membership and looks forward to working with you to achieve our mission.